Pavel Durov, the Founder and CEO of Telegram, lately disclosed that he has greater than “100 organic youngsters”. He used the messaging app to tell his 5.7 million followers about this. “I used to be simply knowledgeable that I’ve over 100 organic youngsters. How is that this doable for a person who has by no means been married and chooses to reside alone?” he acknowledged. The disclosing prompted a broad vary of reactions, together with a response from Elon Musk, the richest particular person on this planet.
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Right this moment we discovered that the Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, has over 100 organic youngsters. 🤯
— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) July 29, 2024
The billionaire humorously commented on the revelation on X by saying, “These are rookie numbers lmao’ – Genghis Khan.” It’s price mentioning that Musk has fathered 12 youngsters with three completely different girls.
“Rookie numbers lmao” – Genghis Khan
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 29, 2024
Durov talked about that roughly 15 years in the past, a good friend got here to him with an uncommon proposition. The good friend defined that he and his spouse had been unable to conceive resulting from fertility issues and requested Durov to supply sperm at a medical facility so they may have a baby. Initially discovering the request amusing, Durov quickly realized the seriousness of the state of affairs.
He talked about that the director of the clinic knowledgeable him that there’s a shortage of “high-quality donor materials.” The doctor additional expressed that it’s the accountability of the 39-year-old to contribute further sperm anonymously so as to help extra {couples}.
Durov elaborated, “The thought was so unconventional that it compelled me to take part in sperm donation. Quick ahead to 2024, my earlier contributions have enabled greater than 100 {couples} throughout twelve international locations to turn into dad and mom. Moreover, even years after I ceased my donations, not less than one IVF clinic continues to retain my frozen sperm for nameless use by households aspiring to have youngsters.”
39-year-old Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov reveals he has over 100 organic youngsters.
— YabaLeftOnline (@yabaleftonline) July 30, 2024
The entrepreneur introduced his intention to make his DNA accessible for open-source use so as to facilitate the reunion of his organic offspring. Durov emphasised the importance of wholesome sperm and expressed delight in fulfilling his obligations.
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